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Worship Involvement

Volunteers are honored to fulfill each of these roles so that the congregation has a richer and meaningful worship experience.


Altar Guild


 Members are responsible for setting the altar for all church services. They care for the vestments, linens, silver and other appointments.  They provide and arrange appropriate flowers and greenery.  Both men and women are invited to be members of the Guild.




Our youth acolytes are an integral part of our worship service.  Their participation includes carrying the cross during the processional and recessional, holding the Bible for the Priest’s reading of the Gospel and presenting the offering and Communion elements during the offertory.  It is a joy to watch our older acolytes lovingly mentor their younger piers as both transition from one phase to another in their lives within the church.


Chalice Bearer


Administers the wine during communion.  They undergo required training to perform this service.




Read the scripture lessons in the lectionary and offer the prayers of the people.




Christ Church has an outstanding music program led by an organist/music director.  The beautiful music offered by the talented choir and musicians helps us to center ourselves in worship.


Virtual Worship


Each service is broadcast live via ZOOM.  To access, click on the Christ Episcopal Church website and select “Zoom”.




Ushers distribute bulletins, seat worshippers, collect the offering and direct communicants to the altar rail

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